Foreign ETFs were our best performing ETFs last week. European ETFs (VGK, EFA, and HEDJ) rose 1.3%, 1.0%, and 1.0% respectively. Other foreign ETFs, both Developed and Emerging Markets ( VEU, VEA, VWO and EEM) posted gains of between 0.5% and 1% with the two Japan ETFs (EWJ and DXJ) rising slightly over 1% each.

Domestically last week saw Large Cap focused ETFs (SPY, IVV) rising slightly, 0.2% each, and faring better than their Small Cap brethren (IWM, IJR, ) which were both down 1.2%. Showing that domestically size mattered last week the Mid Cap ETFs (IJH, IWR) performed in-between the large and small cap ETFs as IJH and IWR both declined about 0.5%.

None of the action last week changed any of our Arrows as they All still Green, and HEDJ, the European Dollar Hedged ETF, is the only one even close to a caution zone and it is still 5% away from even turning cautious.