The daily volatility has increased significantly lately but when you look at the weekly price changes it’s more of the same, small changes. Very few of our ETFs showed even a 0.5% change for the week.

Now that the Fed decision is behind us, with the next real uncertainty not coming until December, the media is finding new ways to scare investors. Whether it’s Oil (either going up or down take your pick) or Deutsche Bank (sending the world into a financial abyss) the media is warning us about a market set up for a fall.

We don’t see a decline. The vast majority (all but 3) of our up/down arrows are pointing up. We can’t tell you for a certainty that our ETFs are headed higher but we can tell you to stay invested because they are still in long term uptrends.

As long as you have an exit strategy for your investments you don’t have to worry about all the short term issues the media has determined “significant”.
